Saturday, July 11, 2009


Wow! God is so good! I now have almost all of my first month's crew fees. (I can pay them all at once or month-by-month.) It feels a little like being back in collage where we went month-by-month...if we couldn't pay I was out! You would think after growing up a missionary kid, paying my way through collage, and His faithfulness in all of this, my trust in His faithfulness would come much more easily. But that's not the case, though I am finding it easier to trust His provision for my crew fees than I did for my ticket money! But God is ever Faithful and NEVER Late!

I had such a refreshing time yesterday talking with several different alumni and friends of the Ranch (the camp where I grew up)! Melissa and I had a good time reminiscing and catching up. Carrie and I found ourselves learning about the same things in our lives. And JP and April really encouraged me as we talked about our struggles and how God can use us despite ourselves. They also gave me new things to try as I reach out those around me! God is so good in that His encouragement comes just when we really need it! I really needed that pick-me-up! And it's cool to be reminded that God likes me...not just loves me because He has to, He's God...but really likes me and wants to enjoy life with me! That's the most amazing thing ever!

Reading this morning in Paul's second letter to the Corinthians (at least the second letter we have in the Bible), I was struck by how much Paul's approach to them reflected Jesus. He kept reassuring them that he did not want their money, their possessions, their admiration for his position or power. He just wanted them to know God and to grow in Him. He keeps telling them that what was done was only for their good, their edification--even the discipline and hard words. He did it all in order that they might grow closer to God and to each other. And it struck me that that is exactly why God does all that He does with me--out of love for me and a desire that I should know Him and enjoy Him and the others that He's put in my life! That's all. All of His plans for me are for my good. Our Papa God loves us and delights in us! How cool is that?!

Well, every time I answer the question of "When do you leave again?" the time seems so much closer! It's coming fast but I think I'm almost ready....I think. But I guess, ready or not, here comes the adventure! Just a little over two weeks away! Yay!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Tobi, I'm so excited for you. The time is getting close. I so wish I could help you financially, but I just absolutely have nothing extra right now. Please be assured that you're in my prayers. I will check your blog frequently because I really want to stay informed.
