Friday, October 16, 2009

The Importance of Obedience...

God's really been impressing on me lately the importance of obedience. I realize that I frequently "look for the magic pill," as I've frequently been told. I want God to change or fix things NOW and *POOF* it will be changed. But that's generally not the way He works, especially in matters of our character. In order to change things in me, He asks for my cooperation. That is, He asks for my obedience. If I trust Him to make the changes, then I need to trust Him enough to do what He's telling me to do! It wouldn't do any good if I went and asked my Dad how to change the oil in my car and then decided to ignore the need to change the oil or tried to change it my own way. It could seriously mess up my car either way. In the same way, I can't ask God to change my heart and then either ignore the issue all together or try to fix it n my own way. I could seriously mess up my life that way.

I've been reading the book of Ezra lately and it is amazing to me exactly how God worked everything out when Ezra and a few of the children of Israel were obedient! First off, the book describes how some of the children of Israel were allowed to return home to Israel, to the area surrounding Jerusalem, and how they started well, getting their families and homes in order and then began in earnest to rebuild the temple. But then opposition from surrounding peoples came up and letters were written to the conquering king at that time, reminding him of Israel's power and might in the past because of their God. The surrounding kings worried that if they were able to rebuild their temple, their God would be with them again and would help them overthrow everyone around them. The king agreed and ordered them to stop building. What the surrounding people failed to realize is that Israel's God was just as powerful without a temple as with one. Though the Israelites did obey the king and stop building, there is no indication that they stopped following God. Then Ezra, a wise man known to the king, is selected to lead more of the children of Israel back to Jerusalem and finish the temple. Again and again, Ezra describes how God worked out difficult situations and all because "the hand of our God is upon us." God first wins the heart of a powerful, formerly pagan, king and impresses it upon his heart to have the children of Israel return to Jerusalem and rebuild His temple. Then, though He allows the enemy to make their play, He is already coordinating faithful men into positions where, when the time is right, they can step up and lead more of the children of Israel back to Jerusalem and finish the temple. God also influences the heart of a godless king to not only allow them to return and build but also gives them generously from his treasury and his land and then orders the enemies of the first group to give the Israelites whatever they need in order to rebuild the temple! Throughout his whole narrative, Ezra remains very humble, seeking what God would have him do at every turn, and gives God the full credit for whatever is done. So right after the second group arrives, they hear the opposition and are told by them to stop building until the king can be notified of their activities. Basically, Ezra and the leaders tell them, "Okay. Go tell the king. That's fine with us." And they continue to build. They knew in their hearts that God had sent them to rebuild the temple and they obeyed despite opposition.

There are so many times when I have no opposition but myself and I still choose not to obey! But look at how God provided for everything beyond their wildest imaginations when they humbly recognized God and obeyed! Who am I to object to God's directions? If I say that I trust His leading, then I must also demonstrate my trust by obeying. It is not a mindless following but rather a conscious constant choice to yeild to His plan over my own. These are two of the foundation stones of an abiding relationship with God--trust and obedience. Without either one, you are not abiding. And what's the purpose of asking God to change you if you're unwilling to do what He says to be changed? ...very convicting for me!

Anyway, to finish Ezra's story, the king replies to those opposing peoples that not only has he ordered them to complete the temple but those peoples surrounding Israel were to give every assistance and any materials needed for building or for the sacrifices! Isn't God amazing?! Even in the heart of a godless king and the very enemies of His people, He provides for their needs and protection while they obey His will! What a mighty God we serve! Who better to be in obedience to?!

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