Friday, August 7, 2009


I wanted to give you an idea of my typical work day. Though what shift I work changes from week to week, I'll give you the general idea of what my day is like. First, our cabin has no windows so it is always dark and makes sleeping very comfortable and a little too easy! :0P This week I've been on evening shift so I've been staying up later and sleeping in until mid-morning...a great luxury to me!!! However, my roommate's been working nights so that she sleeps during the day. Trying not to wake her up with my not-so-graceful descents from the upper bunk, I grab my stack of clothes for the day and head into the bathroom. Once ready, I head upstairs to one of the lounges for a devotional time. After that, it's usually time for lunch, so I head into the dining room and join friends for lunch. Our head cook tries really hard to incorporate meals from all over the globe and he does a wonderful job! We've had mexican, african, italian, ...last night we had hamburgers and french fries!!! It's all really good! And lots of fruits and vegies, too! And bread, always bread!!! (For those who know me, bread is not just another is a main staple!!!) From there I have some time to check my email, blog, facebook, etc., run errands, read, and anything else I need to do. Then, a little before 2pm, wearing Mercy Ships scrubs, I start my walk down our deck, through the door to the hospital, and begin checking in each ward to see where I am working for that day. For the most part, I've been working in D Ward or the ENT (Ears, Nose, Throat) ward this week. We've decided that that stands for "Everything Near Thoracic" since one of our current surgeons tackles just about anything. However, we are largely the pediatric ward, as well. So, as you can imagine, I'm loving it! So at change of shift, we pray together then have verbal hand-off from previous shifts. There is a time with both shifts present that some of us take any patients who are able to deck 7 to spend some time outside. After a time, we head back down to the ward and begin taking vital signs, checking charts for new orders, doing treatments, and giving meds. When an admission comes, the patient will first see the admissions nurse, then the doctor, then report will be passed to our charge nurse and she will handoff report to us. At that time we do any pre-op testing or teaching that needs to be done, including making sure that they're hydrated for the surgery. We also receive back patients from post-op and continue monitoring them and medicating for pain. The translators are very helpful in entertaining young patients, questioning our patients, and handing out the patient dinners. If there's nothing going on, they also pick up the guitar and start singing--a beautiful concert for free! The disciplers also come through, doing a brief bible lesson and singing and dancing, visiting with patients. By later evening, things are quieting down and we're wrapping up our treatments, charting, and medication passes. By 9:30, the night shifts arrive, we all pray together, then have verbal handoff. Generally after work, I change and head down to deck 2 to the gym (watch out Shari!!!) for awhile before showering and heading to bed. We do have time to run up for a half hr dinner break during work and of course, there's breakfast in the morning when I get up for it! And that's my day! And speaking of day, it is time to head off to work before my weekend off! Hope your day is as enjoyable as mine!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading about your typical day! It sounds so lovely there. I'm so glad that you had this opportunity.
    Love you,
